"In all these things we are more than Conquerors through Him who loved us."
-Romans 8:37
More than just a volleyball club
We are a volleyball club that seeks to use our small window of opportunity in young athletes' lives to impact them for a lifetime, through a commitment to God's Word. Our goal is to continuously weave the sport of volleyball with spiritual truths, allowing the Spirit of God to indwell our heart, soul, mind, and body.


Please check emails for online store information. Online store link:

Tentative tournament schedules have been posted. Click herefor schedules.

First practice is November 10th, 3pm-5pm, at Lake Dallas Middle School for all teams.

’24-‘25 TRY-OUT INFO:

We are still looking to fill positions for our 12U program, if you are interested please call us ASAP at 940-300-7859.


Absolutely NO cell phones with players. Cell phones cannot be brought in the facility at all, or will be taken up by the coach and returned at the end of the tournament. If a player is going to be left without a parent, they need to connect with another parent to get information.

Players must be court-side and completely ready to warm-up (hair up, knee pads on, shoes tied, etc) at the noted meet time, or they will not play in the first set. This is true regardless of traffic, parking spots, parents running late, etc. The only case in which a player can be late and immediately play is if the player had to miss part of the tournament for a conflict that they let us know of the week prior.

Players cannot leave the facility at any time until the whole team has been released at the end of the tournament. Even if we are reffing the final match, all players will stay until released by the coach.

Players must bring both jerseys every day of tournament play.

Players can only wear Conquerors gear the entirety of the tournament. Any gear not Conquerors will be taken by the coach.

Players will sit as a team during off matches.

We fully expect all players and parents to be kind, respectful, and supportive of all players, referees, and spectators in the gym. Absolutely no yelling at referees or players keeping score/calling lines. If the score is wrong, get the attention of your coach only.

Conquerors Coaches
A group of coaches uniquely bonded by a loyalty to Christian values, each other, and the More than Conquerors Volleyball Club.
  • Donna Martin
    Co-Director & Training Specialist
  • Ragan Salinas
    Co-Director & Coach
  • Paige Krause 
  • Ruthie Forson
In light of the current state of our country, we find it important for you to know that at More Than Conquerors Volleyball Club, we believe in your freedom to choose whether to be vaccinated or not. We adamantly oppose any mandate that would threaten to take that freedom away. As the Bible teaches, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." -2 Timothy 1:7
If you have any questions about this, please feel free to reach out to us!
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